Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Summer Memories

Well now that I have offically started back to school it really STINKS!!! Camp and I had so much fun this summer. I thought I would put several pictures of Camp and I creating great summer memories.

Cousin Jack Jack, Aunt Eah and Unkie Neil came into town and played. This is a picture of us as we were being followed by our poparatsie moms. Jack is making sure Camp does not fall. Thanks Cuz!

Chris, Camp and I met two of our greatest friends in Cross Plains at our Farm. The weekend was so much fun and this is one of my favorite pictures from the weekend. Camp couldn't get the old tractor tricycle to work so he improvised and pushed.

Stratton and I thought we would take our 1st and last picture behind bars.

Swimming with the cousin crew. Creek, Chloe and Camp all enjoyed a crazy swim day with Nana. He loves his couins Ceek and Coco.

Didi's special and fun pool. While visiting Nick Nick and Didi, Camp went swimming in the neighborhood pool which was the best pool he has been in all summer.

The summer ends by me putting Camp through off-season football. I stuffed him with plastic balls (pretending to be pads) and we wrestled in the ball pit. It was intense training but he survived and will one day thank his mama fr making him work hard in life. :)


Leah said...

the black and white pictures are great! I love the one of him pushing the tractor. miss you and love you!