Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Big Boy

I am so amazed at how time goes so quickly. Today I took Camp for his 18 month check up. I can't believe he is so old. Every day he does something new and remarkable. Dr. Capra says that he is growing great. He is 29 lbs 15 oz, and 33 1/4 inches long. He is for sure not missing a meal. I dread him getting older because I already get eatten out of house and home and he is only 18 months.

We have had such a great summer. Slowly Chris and I are completing our to do list. I have had so much fun being a mom to Camp this summer that the start of school is not going to be easy. Every morning Camp walks into our room (with his blanket) climbs in bed and snuggles until I decide to get up. Then he helps me fix breakfast and we sit together and eat. A wild morning then starts. Every toy is out of the toy box and is scattered all over the house. We clean up and are ready for lunch or an outing to the city. The lazy days of summer are here at the Churchill house.

So while Neil and Leah were here I bought a new camera. Here are a few of the great shots I have gotten with it. Most of these were take while Camp ran around Jacob's Ladder.

The joys of Summer!!

Terrible Twos here I come!

Mom is getting what she gave Gumbea!


Nothing can keep me down.


B said...

Love it! Can't wait to see you guys in August!!!

Kara said...

He is just adorable, Nicole! It was so good seeing you guys the other day. We enjoyed your squash and zuchinni last night and it was great! Thanks!

Allison said...

What a handsome guy you have!! I saw your mama at church a week ago. It was WONDERFUL seeing her, and Harper went to her like she has always known her. It was so sweet. Wish I could have seen you too!!! She is one proud grandmother!!!