Wednesday, January 20, 2010

WOW!! Many of you will not believe it but my baby is 10 months old. It is hard to believe that he is growing so fast. Here is his top 10 of the past 10 months:
1. Bye Bye was his first word. He is so cute when he does it because he waves to himself.
2. 7 teeth, His big front tooth is chipped (Thanks Gumbea)
3. Walking He has taken many little steps but has not strung it together into a long walk.
4. Other words: Mama, bubba, Dada, ppppp, ba ba (which I think is bath)
5. Eating everything and anything, we have not bought baby food in months.
6. Air Plane trip to Mississippi
7. 2 sets of ear infections, tonsilitous and a sinus infection (Merry Christmas)
8. Watermelon: He could not get enough from our garden this summer.
9. Firsts: Halloween (he was Camp's horse); Christmas; New Year; A great Christmas Snow
10. Being beat up by his big bubba. Not really but Camp does try to boss and carry him around.