Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Weekly Stress

With the title of Mommy's Week you would think that I was alone, at a spa and being treated GREAT!!! Well that is not the case. This week an last week have been two of the roughest weeks of this pregnancy.

Last Week

Camp likes to find the ant beds in our yard and stand on top of them. Then he starts yelling 'bees' because they are biting him. Chris ran over and started knocking them off of him, but the damage was done. He has bites all over his legs. I felt horrible. He picks at them and now they are scabbed over. His poor little legs look like he has had chicken pox.

In total 3 of my students have pooped their pants. Yes pooped. If I include just the wetting then I have had a total of 4 non potty training moments in my class.

Wednesday, a sweet little girl in my class got sick at lunch. I barely moved out of the way and she only hit my feet and the lower pants. Being pregnant and dealing with my own throwing up, hers did not set well with me. I yelled for help because if someone didn't help me they would have been cleaning up my mess also.

This Week
Allergies are about to kill me. I can't breath, my head hurts and nothing is kicking it. Everyday, I tend to be real lady like and hauk something up, this only gags me and gets me sick.

School: Well I have had a better week there only 1 potty training incident so far this week. BUT I have had meetings everyday this past week and it sucks to come home late from school.

SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP that is all I want to do but until someone tranquilizes Chris that will not happen. Chris may be out it the dogs soon. I guess he thinks that he bed is all his and I am forced to sometimes switch sides with him. Then with all the bathroom breaks, I just don't sleep. (And the worst is yet to come)

I no longer can fit into my old clothes, therefor I am now stuck with maternity clothes.

Well the week is not over yet, but if it gets any worse I may have to scream. I am ready for June!!!

I hate to have only a blog of crap. So the good from the past two weeks.

Camp is tee teeing on the potty several times a day. We take our own potty seat to Mrs. Mary's and it seems to help. Hers is not baseball like ours at home. I took up Leah's idea and have been giving Camp stickers for going to the bathroom. It seems to work because he has gone 4 times the past 2 days. I just hope Camp is out of diapers by the time the new one comes along. Keep it in your prayers.

House: Chris might be slow but he will do it... We have started the garage enclosure. The garage is clean, rebar is here, but we are waiting for Lowe's to get in more mesh. Then might have concrete. :) :) :) Chris also is going to extend my front porch. He is only do it so he won't have to hand mix the concrete, but who cares, I am getting it.

Tomorrow I have another Dr's Appt. and Dittos for Kiddos. Then on Friday we are going to Childress for Princess Chloe's 3rd birthday.

And the best of all I am blessed with the sweetest almost 21 month old boy and a great hubby. (even though he keeps me up)


Kimberly said...

I'll hope for more positives in the days to come and less poop! I still can't believe your kids are not potty trained and sent to school!

Great talking to you a few weekends ago at Kammi's shower- Camp is such a cutie!

Courtney said...

Hey Nicole! I came across your blog while looking at others. Camp is so cute! I see that you're expecting again...congratulations!

Roman's Roost said...

Nicole congrats! I was looking at Neil's blog through Andrea;s and found yours. I like seeing what you all have been up to. I hope your pregnancy gets better. Look up my blog and see my little ones. they grow up too fast!