Monday, September 22, 2008

Oh How Time Flies

It feels just like yesterday I was laying in a hospital bed waiting for Camp. Now I am back to waiting but this time for baby #2. I am so blessed to be pregnant, but I am going to sound selfish for a small bit. Over the weekend I was holding Camp on the couch and I thought, did we get pregnant too soon. Camp is still so small and he is still my baby. Then Camp lifted my shirt and kissed the baby, at that moment I knew he and I were going to be alright. We are eager and excited to have a new one coming into our lives. Here are the sonogram pictures that we took the other day. Our expected due date is a "range" March 18-26th. I have not talked with Dr. Ward to see what the date he is going to actually claim.


Leah said...

FINALLY!!!!!!!!!! but are there any pictures of Camp???? miss you

B said...

YAY!!! I can't wait!!! I say it's a GIRL! :)

mindy said...


Anonymous said...

awww she looks just like you nicole!

campers said...

found you! I'm adding you to my list so i can keep up eith y'all!